How to attach parts from a shipment line to a Handling Unit
I have created a shipment with shipment lines, in Shipment Handling unit structure I only have the oprion to ‘Pack According to Handling Unit Capacity’ In Cloud can you still ‘Attach Parts to Handling Unit’ and split the Shipment lines over multiple handling Units?
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You need to add the handling unit to the shipment first.
Expand the tree
Select the handling unit you intend to pack in and select the lines to pack in the Unattached Shipment Lines tab
There you can click the attach part command
Then you get the dialog to specify quantities to attach:
Click ok and you get the parts attached:
You can repeat and work as you wish to split quantities between handling units.
In case you have the Handling Units already in inventory they will be connected at picking.
Hope this answers your question.
Thank you very much for the quick and consise reply.