Good evening,
does any one know if and/or how I can reset the status of a customer order back from Released to Planned?
I haven’t found a way how to do so.
Any advice is welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Good evening,
does any one know if and/or how I can reset the status of a customer order back from Released to Planned?
I haven’t found a way how to do so.
Any advice is welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Best answer by jabous
INSTRUCTIONS: How to unreserve, undeliver and/or cancel a Customer Order and return parts into stock:
*Scenario 1- Planned or Released State
An order is in either the planned or released state. At this point, you can either RMB or use the Operations menu to cancel the order.
*Scenario 2-Reserved State
An order for a part has been entered, released and reserved. A second order is received for a higher priority customer or earlier delivery date and there is not enough of part A left to fill the second order. You want to “unreserve” the first order so that the inventory can be used on the second order. Or the customer calls and requests cancellation of the order.
1.) Go to Manual Reservations for Customer Order Lines - Customer Orders/ Reserve Customer Orders/ Manual Reservations for Customer Order Lines.
2.) Query for your Customer Order, go down to the ‘Quantity Reserved’ field. This will show the amount currently reserved. Change this to the quantity you wish to reserve and deliver. For example, if you had 12 parts reserved and you wish to return 10 to stock, you must change the quantity reserved to 2. If you want to unreserve the whole order, then the quantity reserved must be changed to 0.
3.) Save changes.
4.) The remaining material will be returned to stock and the status of the Customer Order will change to ‘Released’
5.) This can be verified by querying for your Customer Order, highlighting the line item and selecting the Right Mouse Button option - Order Line History.
6.) Once the order is in the Released state, simply RMB and cancel.
*Scenario 3- Pick List Printed
An order for a part has been entered, released, reserved and the pick list has been printed. You want to “unreserve” the order line, but cannot.
*Scenario 4 - Pick Reported
An order for a part has been entered, released, reserved and pick reported. You want to ‘unpick’ and ‘unreserve’ the order so that the inventory can be used on another order.
1.) Go to Deliver Customer Order Line with Differences - Sales/ Shipping/ Order Delivery/Deliver Customer Order Line with Differences.
2.) Query for your Customer Order, go down to the ‘Quantity to Deliver’ field. This will show the amount currently to be delivered. Change this to the quantity you wish to deliver. For example, if you had 20 parts to deliver and you wish to return 15 to stock, you must change the quantity to deliver to 5. If you want to unreserve the whole order, then the quantity to deliver must be changed to 0.
3.) Go to the operations menu and select the option - ‘Deliver with Differences’.
4.) The remaining material will be returned to stock and the Customer Order Status will change to ‘Partially Delivered’. Or, if you change the quantity to 0, the status will go to Released.
5.) This can be verified by querying for your Customer Order, highlighting the line item and selecting the Right Mouse Button option - Order Line History.
6.) Once in Released state, simply RMB to cancel order.
*Scenario 5-Delivered State
An order for a part has been entered, released, reserved, picked and delivered. The customer has not yet been invoiced for the part. The part needs to be returned to stock.
1.) Undo Customer Order Delivery – Sales/Shipping/Undo Order Delivery
2.) Query for your Customer Order – If you want to undo all lines, right-click and click on header and select Undo Delivery.
3.) If you only want to undo a specific delivery, you can right-click on the specific line and undo the delivery..
*Scenario 6-Delivered State and undo order delivery is not available
1.) Invoice the customer order. Customer Order/Invoicing of Customer Orders/Create Customer Invoice.
2.) Print the customer invoice. Refresh your customer order. Status should now be Invoiced/Closed.
3.) Create an RMA to return the material. Customer Order/Return Material Authorization/Return Material Authorization.
4.) Be sure when you enter the line information, that you enter the Customer Order number in the appropriate field. This is what ties the RMA to the customer order.
5.) Change the RMA status to “Released”. RMB in RMA header to release.
6.) Now, receive the material back into stock. Customer Orders/Return Material Authorization/Receive Authorized Returns.
7.) Enter RMA number. RMB to Receive, Scrap and Return into Inventory. Process receipt.
8.) Refresh RMA. Status goes to “Return Completed”.
9.) RMB to Approve for Credit.
10.) RMB to Create Credit Invoice.
11.) Print Credit Invoice to process.
12.) The Customer Order status will not change from Invoiced/Closed. If parts need to be replaced, another customer order needs to be created and processed.
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