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CRM_ Account Structure : Mix in Account & Leads IDs


Hi All, 


A client of mine has similar IDs for Account CRMS and Leads : for instance an Account CRM ID 94 and a Lead ID 94.


The problem is that when I want to associate the Account CRM ID 94 to another Account as a Child / Parent Account to create an Account Structure; 

->  the system automatically select the Lead ID 94.


I cannot find any way to block this, and it happens a lot with this client, who has many leads and account crms with same No/ID.


Would anyone know how to prevent this ? 


Thank you ðŸ¤²



5 replies


We got similar issue few months back and we did a fix for that. Further, we found a few other related bugs (including this) when we have same ID for Lead & Account, and one of them is set as a parent/child. From those additional bugs, some of minor ones were fixed in the latest cloud version (23R2) only. 
If you can share the version you find this issue, I can check whether we have fixed this particular bug in that ðŸ˜Š.


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 16 replies
  • November 8, 2023

Hi Tharanga, 


Thanks for your quick reply, 

The version is on the following Environments _ UAT & CFG_ where we first detected the issues : IFS Aurena framework version: 22.1.9.

I suspect the Client Version _ PROD Environment to be the same version...


Best regards,


Baptiste Hervé


Hi Hervé,
I just compared the 22R1 and 23R2 and I noticed that in 22R1, I can now set Account ID TP231108A1 (which shares same ID with a Lead) as a child, but it shows twice - please see below pic (but 2nd line is not the Lead record).
However, we were able to correct this bug in 23R2. I am not sure that the correction we did a few months back, to 22.1.17, has done some improvements to you client’s scenario.


Previous issue was reported with low priority and that is why we focused on the correction for 23R2 and if your customer find this to be a critical issue, we can check if we can apply the same fix to the older version too.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 16 replies
  • November 8, 2023


I confirm that the problem with the duplication of child leads & the wrong lead/account replacing our initial choice due to a similar ID number is still the case for our client.


This is a very important matter for us and our client, 

Would it be possible to adress it in an appropriate time ? 

Is there a way (email, IFS Community etc.) to adress this issue directly to you and the customer service at IFS ? 


Best regards, 


Baptiste Hervé


Hi Hervé,

We can understand the concern, and we would be able to look into this issue. Please raise this as a customer issue so that we can attend on this. Reach the IFS support organization through SNOW and if any assistance required on it, kindly reach your relevant Project Manager of your client.

Best Regards,


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