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Does anyone know how the automatic reservation could take into account the input UoM in IFS apps 9?

Exemple : 

I have 2 batch number for one part in my inventory : 


  • Part 1 | Location A | 90 EA | batch n°: 123 | Expiration date : 31/12/2022 | input UoM : 1 pallet 
  • Part 1 | Location B | 58 EA | batch n°456 | Expiration date : 31/12/2021 

My customer asked for 90EA of part 1 (we are using input UoM which group 90 EA into 1 pallet.) 

We would like the system reserve the 90 EA from the batch 123 (and not 58 EA from the batch n°456 and 32 from the batch n° 123) 


Many thanks for your help 


In APP9 version, automatic reservation will consider below mentioned factors.

  1. Earliest Expiration Date: The Part is reserved from the Location where the Part has the earliest Expiration Date.
  2. Earliest Receipt Date: When the Part does not have an Expiration Date,  the Part is reserved from the Location where the earliest Receipts of the Part has been performed.
  3. Putaway zone ranking: The Part is reserved on the Location having the highest Putaway Zone Ranking.
  4. Largest Quantity on Handling Unit: System will try to reserve the HU with the largest quantity

Here, the expiration date of lot 123 is 31/12/2022  and lot 456 is 31/12/2021. Anyway it will first get reserved from the earliest expiration date which is lot lot 456. This is the expected application behavior.

However in APP10, you will have the flexibility of defining the sorting order in which the automatic reservations will make reservations.

Hope this will help.

Thank you for your answer @Anushka B !

So I guess we won’t be able to use the “input UoM” as a reservation parameter… 


If anyone have any tips on how to solve my issue I will be very pleased to hear it,