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When we create a customer order out of a work order, there is no option to influence the order of the lines / positions.

My idea would be to add a custom field, that offers the option to change the order of the lines.

First: enter a new sequence

then: add a right mouse menue to update the pos no in COL.

Restriction: only applicable for CO in status Planned.

Any comments, help, hints from the community?

Btw: I am wondering, if Selling (CRM) is the correct sub forum, but where else would customer orders be located?

Regards Martina


I don’t believe you will be able to change to sorting of the Customer Order.  The view/program will always sort in the order defined by the code..  i.e. The Order Lines will always sort in LINE_NO order.

Any change to this would require a modification by IFS which if accepted would be chargeable.



Hi John,

thank you for your quick answer. I came to the same conclusion, diving deeper into it. 

My new idea (which is nearly done) is to add a custom field in COL: PRINT_ORDER, add it also to COIJ (customer order invoice lines) and use this one in the layout.


