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I am trying to complete the task to Define Installed Environment after completing the Basic Project Data for a Data migration job. I am however getting the below error;


How can I change the Thousand Separator Format value?



Thousand separator is automatically added when you are defining the installed environment. Can you please share your project basic data setup? and the steps you followed to define the installed environment?

Hi Nirogini,


Below the project basic data setup.


Thank you.

Hi Jascoetsee, 

As I checked your project basic data setup, seems there are no issues with your setup, and I could see that you are creating a project header based on a template project. Can I see your template project as well?

Below the template which is just another data migration job I have created to see if it can resolve the issue.


I believe it is an environment setup issue as we have another IFS cloud environment for the same client and this issue does not exist when creating the Define Installed Environment task.


Thank you.

so, you mean you could see this issue only one environment, right? 

Yes, only in the one environment but not sure how to fix it.

Ok, we will check and get back to you. and also, can you please let us know which version of that environment?

Using IFS Cloud Web version:

As we checked, there may be some error with your environment database characters. 

If you have access to the database, please run this and check whether if you get this kind of value. 



I will get the information for you.


If I may, can I ask another question.

When trying to setup connected environments, I cannot see the Database Link Name. We have created database links from the production environment to the other environments and we can see the links in the database link view/table using PL/SQL. It looks like you can only see the database links in the frontend if you are using the IFSMIG (the view has a where clause) but not sure how I can login using the IFSMIG service account. Can you help with this issue as well?

Thank you.

