technically it’s possible to migrate your HS codes into the basic data database view CUSTOMS_STATISTICS_NUMBER first and then into the column CUSTOMS_STAT_NO of the database view INVENTORY_PART.
For this purpose you need a list/csv-file with site/contract, part number and HS code and then you can use the migration tool.
You need 2 migration jobs:
- a CREATE_TABLE_FROM_FILE migration job to load your list/csv-file into a “temporary” IC_-table in Oracle
- a MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA migration job to fetch the data from the IC_-table and migrate the data into the database views CUSTOMS_STATISTICS_NUMBER and INVENTORY_PART
But keep in mind and I recommend to ask a distribution consultant or ask the question in a relevant category if it makes sense to use this column.
Extract from the Online help:
Customs Stat No:
The statistics number (often called commodity code) received from the customs authority. The customs statistics number is used for reports to customs authorities for imports and exports. The value is also used by the Intrastat feature in IFS Applications. This value originates from the Inventory Basic Data/Customs Statistics No. You can either enter the short code of the customs statistics number or indicate it by using the List of Values.