Hi Doug,
The case management in CE (the call centre module in cloud) can be tailored to suit your needs using our Studio Designer module. It gives you the ability to design the application and behaviour of the interface that call centre staff would be using.
If a mailbox is configured to feed in to the application then whether the communication is from internal or external sources it can be handled. The same is true of any telephony or social media interfaces that you choose to use.
I’ll ask one of the team to get in touch to organise a demonstration for you.
Thanks Matt- so in IFS Cloud it is not an OOB feature. bummer..
Hi Doug,
A similar question was asked elsewhere in the community and received this response. I’m not sure if this would help with your current situation ?
Hopefully IFS will consider providing this functionality out of box but until that point you can accomplish email to case by utilizing an Addovation module for automation called Email-To-Case.
William Klotz
Thanks @Matt Nicholls for he response.
@william.klotz what does the UI look like for IFS cloud? This shows the emails as individual emails, is there w way to see the who thread of emails on one window?
Has IFS cloud addressed the email capability in the latest REV, so you can see the thread and not attachments? We ended up going with Hubspot.