Customer Order flow is not executed correctly for supply code "shop order"
Per R&D, “The reservation performed when a Shop Order is received, or a Purchase
Order where supply code on the CO line was Purchase Order Transit, is not the same as when reservation is performed as a background job when executing either Reserve Customer Order Lines, or Create Picking Proposal.
A call for the order flow to continue according to the order type is only done when the complete
order is handled, not an order line. This is applicable to when executing Create Picking Proposal. If
performing the RMB Reserve from the Quick Order Flow Handling, which itself is a way to process a CO
quickly through the different steps of the order flow, the window Reserve Customer Order Lines is opened, and the user can choose to mark as many lines as desired and execute the reservation.
However if executing Manual Reservation of Customer Order Lines, there is no call for the order flow to continue, as this is performed as an online job, and executed only for a specific CO line. I believe the same is applicable to your described case. If the order flow were to continue, this could cause e.g. invoices to be created unintentionally, if the order type has been set up that way, just because a single CO line is reserved. The way the system works now there is no risk for this unintentional consequence, and I think the extra step of Creating Pick List is worth having to avoid it.”
So you need to start the customer order flow again, once the parts are reserved/delivered from the SO, PO, DOP and so on.
Thank you for this explanation. I think I understand, the Order Type does not dictate the order flow if using manual reservation. I will try to recreate this in our DEV and then provide another sample.
I set up order type stop after release and print pick list, when I use auto reservation it works OK, but when I use manual reservation, I found it doesn't create picking list automatically.
This is working as designed you need to start the order flow again by creating the pick list for the manual reservation line.
I too think you now understand, how the order type is designed to work.
Did you find out why some Order lines automatically go to Invoice once Delivered, even if the process is supposed to stop after Print Delivery Note?
We run into the same issue and I cannot find a cause.