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Service PO - 2way match


Other MRP systems use 2way matching for Services instead of 3way - so a receipt is not required for Service invoices to pay, just the requisitioner approves.  How do you set this up in IFS 10?  There should be a way to note services, and not require a receipt for it to be paid.

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  • Superhero (Employee)
  • April 7, 2021

On the Company/Distribution Tab/Purchasing Tab - Checkbox Create Postings for Receipt of Non-Inventory Purchase Order Lines.

Create Postings for Receipt of Non-Inventory Purchase Order Lines:  Indicates whether postings should be created upon receipt of non-inventory purchase parts or upon no parts in the purchasing flow. This check box is selected initially when creating the ARR-NONINV receipt transaction, and also when creating return or scrap transactions from the receipt. When matching a supplier invoice the system will also check if postings were created upon receipt and if not, only the M93 posting will be created. If the check box is cleared, then it implies that no cost is booked for the non-inventory or no parts until the invoice is received and matched.


If this box is unchecked no cost is book for non-inventory or no parts, until the invoice is received and matched.  In other words, the  ARR-NONINV receipt transaction is not created if this checkbox is unchecked.   

Please let me know if this information helps you to resolve your issue.


  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • April 7, 2021

I don’t think this is what I am looking for.  This should be a feature that is selected when creating the Req to PO process to note whether it should have a receipt done against it or not.  Other systems call it 2 way vs 3 way matching.


  • Superhero (Employee)
  • April 7, 2021

Then you should use supplier self-billing.  Once the po line is received a supplier invoice is automatically created.  On the Supplier/Invoice/PO Matching - Self Billing checkbox. 

Self-Billing: If selected, this check box enables the automatic creation of supplier invoices on entry of purchase order arrivals. This occurs only if IFS/Purchasing is installed. If this check box is selected, no tolerance checks will be performed.

When you receive the PO, the receipt reference becomes the Invoice Number. 

You can view 

Indicate Use of Automated Invoicing (Self-Billing)


This activity is used to indicate use of automated invoicing (self-billing).

The use of the automated invoicing function, i.e., two way matching (ERS, Evaluated Receipts), eliminates the need to have invoices. Receipts associated with certain suppliers can be automatically invoiced instead of waiting for the invoice from the supplier. This function is best used when there is a close relationship between your company and the supplier. If you use this functionality, no invoice matching tolerance checks will be performed for this supplier. Any matching tolerance amounts or percentages entered for the supplier will be ignored.


The supplier must have been entered in the system, i.e., general, address, invoice, purchase, and payment information.

System Effects

When the Self-billing check box is selected, the parameter is set as default on each purchase order line that is registered with this supplier. The supplier invoice is automatically generated when the arrival is entered. The invoice is automatically matched and ready to be paid.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. Query for the required supplier record.
  3. Click the Invoice tab, and then click the PO Matching sub-tab.
  4. Select the Self-Billing check box.
  5. Save your entry.


  • Superhero (Employee)
  • April 7, 2021

Attached are screen shots of the process.  

Please let me know if this helps you to resolve your issue. 


Piyal Perera
Hero (Employee)

As Janet explains, I also think Self-billing functionality will work for you. Have a try and let us know the outcome.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • May 5, 2021
emilyk8r wrote:

Other MRP systems use 2way matching for Services instead of 3way - so a receipt is not required for Service invoices to pay, just the requisitioner approves.  How do you set this up in IFS 10?  There should be a way to note services, and not require a receipt for it to be paid.

I understand exactly what you’re after here. I see it as very useful for us as well. Did you ever get a meaningful answer on this subject? The self-billing functionality would not work for us. However, a 2 way match i.e. a match of the supplier invoice against the PO w/o goods receipt would. Or is that option simply not available in IFS?

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