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Hello ifs community,

Purchase order line Qty=10 kg,

Qty per Assembly in component part=1,

scrap factor=50

Then what will be the required qty?

The component part screen is showing the required qty = 20 kg but i am not able to calculate this 20 kg Qty. 

can someone help me to find the way of calculation  of required qty with qty per assembly and scrap factor.

Scrap factor is expressed as a percentage 0-100 while 0 means no scrapping required. So when 50% of 20kg is scrapped, you get the required 10 kg.

Required qty  = qty per assembly * PO line qty *100/scrap factor

@Manoj Balasooriya Thanks for your help but this formula is only valid when scrap factor is 50% but when i am trying to change the scrap factor then this formula is not valid.

when i change scrap factor by keeping Qty per assembly and PO line qty same as above

as scrap factor=10% then required qty calculated by system=11.1111111111111112

scrap factor =20% then calculated required qty=12.5

if 30% the calculated required qty=14.2857142857142858

if possible suggest me the best possible way of calculation.


Hi Ashwani, my apologies, yes you are correct. formula should be as below.


Required qty  = (qty per assembly * PO line qty )/(100-scrap factor)*100


when factor is 10%, Required qty  = 1*10/(100-10)*100 = 11.11

when factor is 20%, Required qty  = 1*10/(100-20)*100 = 12.5

when factor is 30%, Required qty  = 1*10/(100-30)*100 = 14.28


