Does anyone kow if it possible to make the fields in Miscellaneous ready only when you create a new Application for payment fot out a sales contract?
Can this be done in the persmission sets?
My idea was disable some with but then i'm unable to create them or it has no effect.
Anyone an idea?
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Hi @RLGroener,
I would suggest you to create a custom event as a workaround and then validate the default values fetched based on the Sales Contract No for each field in Miscellaneous group box.
Custom EventCustom Event Action
DECLARE lu_name_ CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'AppForPayment'; contract_no_ VARCHAR2(15) := '&NEW:CONTRACT_NO'; BEGIN IF ((NVL('&OLD:RECOGNIZE_PERCENTAGE', -1) <> NVL('&NEW:RECOGNIZE_PERCENTAGE', -1)) AND (NVL('&NEW:RECOGNIZE_PERCENTAGE', -1) <> NVL(Sales_Contract_API.Get_Recognize_Percentage(contract_no_), -1))) THEN Validate_SYS.Item_Update(lu_name_, 'RECOGNIZE_PERCENTAGE', TRUE); END IF; END;
Please note that I have implemented the Event Action to only validate "% To Recognize" field (RECOGNIZE_PERCENTAGE column). You may use the below method to develop for the rest of the fields in Miscellaneous group box.