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A Purchase Requisition with a No-Part line was created from a Project Demand. It is fully authorized (Authorization Required not checked) but has the RMB menu option “Requisition to Order” on the Purchase Requisition Line  greyed out (inactive).

PR status is Authorized. . 

The project has another demand fully processed without problems.

The Requisition to Order on the Advanced Popup Menu Options is checked.

Any ideas what could be affecting the activation of the “Requisition to Order” menu option?

Status of the PR?

Supplier entered on the PR Line?

Status of PR is Authorized

Yes, supplier entered on PR Line


What about Posting Controls set for M100, are any code parts set to Mandatory?



For the other demand on the project that processed fine….how much was the same?

Was it a different supplier?

Different dates?

Demand raised differently between the two items?  ie, one was manual, one was PMRP?  One is fulfilled through an external supplier, one is internal?  Just checking that things are 100% alike if one worked and the other didn’t.


Pretty well grasping at things now, but going through the list of things I would check…..don’t know the answer obviously….


Posting controls seem fine. The 2 demands are against different suppliers.

They also differ in Purchase Group, dates created and modified and amounts.

Yeah this is not an easy one and no blame for not having the answer. I may end up cancelling all and restart, as I’m not getting the same result in the cloned environment. 

I think you have followed below step to get above issue.

  • Created a requisition for a part and release the line
  • RMB and select 'Requisition to Request'
  • Then Canceled the Request
  • RMB the requisition part line >> 'Requisition to Order' remains greyed out.

The reason for the issue is as below

The default value for the 'Request Type' field in the Requisition lines is 'Purchase Request'. When the request type is 'Purchase Request', users can process the requisition line via either 'requisition to order' or 'requisition to request'.

But once a user creates a Request (via requisition to request), at this point the 'Request Type' field gets set to 'Quotation Request'. This only allows processing the requisition line via 'requisition to request'. This is why the 'requisition to order' option is greyed out.

Therefore in this case if you would like to convert the line directly to a PO, please change the value of 'Request Type' column in PR line back to 'Purchase Request'.

Hope this will solve your issue.


When the Request type is: Quotation Request,  'Requisition to Order' RMB option is not available.

Change the Request type to ‘Purchase Request’. Then the 'Requisition to Order' RMB option will be available.