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Received - Not Yet Invoiced Report

  • November 4, 2021
  • 6 replies


Hi all

Is there a way to get this report into Excel, rather than a PDF?  We don’t have the business reporter function ready yet and I can’t interrogate this report if it’s in PDF format.



Best answer by Ruchintha Samararatne

Steps to import the xml into excel:

Open the xml file from Excel​​​​
Nodes which are interested to import
Drag and drop to excel as you like and click refresh to fill with data


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Hi @DerekD,


As I’m aware, there’s no clear direct way to achieve your requirement from IFS applications side, unless you have the database level access or may be the business reporter function as you have suggested.


But, having said that, I can suggest you a workaround which you can try yourself and see whether it works or not. But it definitely has some manual work to be done.

  1. Generate the report
  2. Go to Report Archive
  3. Find the correct result key record.
  4. RMB → Get Xml Data and save the xml data file.
  5. Try to import that to excel (You may need to do some data cleansing steps)

Try this and see whether if that helps!


Please note that this workaround is suggested only to extract the data for reconciliation purpose. Not an official export into excel.

  • Superhero (Customer)
  • November 4, 2021

We just went the full quick report route and select the info from the Report Archive


Here is the SQL to make it quick for you (V9 UPD13):

SELECT rep.result_key,
  FROM inst1app.purchase_receipt_rep rep
  LEFT JOIN inst1app.purchase_receipt_new pr
    ON rep.order_no = pr.order_no
   AND rep.line_no = pr.line_no
   AND rep.release_no = pr.release_no
   AND rep.receipt_no = pr.receipt_no
  LEFT JOIN inst1app.purchase_order po
    ON po.order_no = rep.order_no
 WHERE rep.result_key = '&[-C-BL]Result_Key'
 ORDER BY rep.result_key ASC, rep.row_no ASC


Enter Result Key of GRNI Report from Report Archive



Steps to import the xml into excel:

Open the xml file from Excel​​​​
Nodes which are interested to import
Drag and drop to excel as you like and click refresh to fill with data


Superhero (Customer)

Hi @DerekD ,


Have you considered creating a report definition plug-in to produce an Excel output of the Received Not Yet Invoiced.  There is documentation in the IFS F1 foundation documentation.  Here's a link to a discussion about the Excel Plugin and how to go about creating and using it.



William Klotz

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • November 8, 2021

Thanks, everyone.  I’ve managed to get it working through a mix of the points above and help from my IT department.  Thank you all very much.

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • November 8, 2021
william.klotz wrote:

Hi @DerekD ,


Have you considered creating a report definition plug-in to produce an Excel output of the Received Not Yet Invoiced.  There is documentation in the IFS F1 foundation documentation.  Here's a link to a discussion about the Excel Plugin and how to go about creating and using it.



William Klotz

This is the correct answer, once you get it working it’s the nicest solution by far.

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