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I would like  the approver rules for a Puchase Order being derived from which parts that are ordered,  Like you can do with the Pre Posting tab in the Purchase requisitions rule.


We now have a workaround using the coordinator, but this is prone for error.


Any suggestions?

Hmm - I have come across this before elsewhere and there isn’t really a satisfying answer to your question. The crux of the matter is that the purchase requisition authorisation is the authorisation for what is being ordered, whereas my understanding was always that the purchase order was about simple signoff of spend.


However - the solution I went for elsewhere was to update the buyer field on the purchase order via custom event, and apply PO authorisation based on that. We worked this based on purchase groups of the parts on the PO, but you have to understand that this solution made it very restrictive in terms of what could be put onto the same PO. It is not something we took lightly!


Would authorisation based on supplier stat group be a possible solution or do you have suppliers that work across different types of product?

Similar to your current solution I have implement at many client sites with a few extra validations via multiple event actions considering the following;

  • PO Rules be based on Coordinator
  • Validation to make sure only certain Parts / No-Parts with specific purchase groups is possible to be added to certain Coordinator
  • Validation to make sure certain Pre-posting is possible with selected coordinator. Ex: HR, FIN as Department Preposting valid for Coordinator - ADMIN etc.
  • Once PO is release Coordinator cannot be changed.
  • And finally a Catch All validation to make sure nothing slips out of our rules.