Can anyone confirm the detail around the the calculations relating to DDMRP, mainly the Calculated ADU and background data that is used for the calculations?
I understand the set up and what DDMRP does, however it is not 100% clear on the following;
- When running the Calculate Historical Average Daily Usage, does this calculate based on the Site Distribution Calendar? If a business only operates Mon-Fri, and they have a Distribution Calendar Schedule that has 7 days but working time on Sat and Sunday = 0 min, is this factored in? If this calculates using calendar days, surely this will result in a lower ADU than actual, where the business only operates 5 days in every 7?
- Is there a way to view the Standard Deviation Calculations and how the Std Dev Issues in Lead Time is calculated? Same question for Avg No Of Issues In Lead Time? If a business is not getting ADU figures that do not seem right, how can these be analysed quickly and effectively?
- For Avg No Of Issues In Lead Time, what does “The number of issues made within a lead time “ mean? Is this calculating the number of issues (instances of parts being issued, not quantities issued?) in periods/buckets equal to the unprotected lead-time for the part? If this is working in buckets of lead-time, again, what effect does the Site calendar have on these figures?
- How is the Ave Qty per Issue calculated? Is this simply the total issued over the horizon, multiplied by the number of instances of parts being issued?
- For the Forecasted ADU, does the same basis apply, i.e. are the calculations based on the working days, or the calendar days?
I have extracted data and performed analysis using inventory transactions, but I don’t seem to be able to match the figures being used?
Can someone assist please?