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Hello Community, 

When raising a Purchase Requisition or Purchase Order, is there no way to consolidate the view of all lines in the document.  Having to toggle between Part Lines & No Part Lines tabs is problematic when you have high volumes to deal with.   What is the best transaction to view / manage these?

Hi @beauj9,

I believe IFS does not have a consolidated view to create Part lines and No Part lines for POs and PRs. However it possible to use Purchase Order Lines and Purchase Requisition Lines windows to maintain the entered data as a consolidated view.

Hope this will help.




What about Purchase Order lines overview window? That has both part and no part order lines



Thanks Susith;

Yes I also found that transaction which I could share with my user, I was just wondering if there was anyway to alter the view in the document itself to have 1 view of these, rather than toggling between 2 tabs. 

Hi Jim,

Do you mean the PO window as the document there?




There isn’t a way to consolidate the lines on the PR form or PO form view.  It seems curious that a user is struggling with that when dealing with the requests and subsequent POs.  If there are a mixture of inventory parts and non-inventory lines on the PR and PO, then I can see a bit of the confusion, but with some exceptions, inventory parts tend to be to a particular supplier and non-inventory purchases to other suppliers.  Maybe there are other ways of grouping the information as suggested using PR and PO Lines overview screens and working with them in batches of one or the other that would alleviate the switching.  That way, it would be known at the start that this batch is all inventory for example and no switching is required.  Just an observation that methodology will win out here long before any change to the IFS form view.

Hi Jim , 

Other than viewing PO lines through a PO lines window you can also try exporting the lines to a CSV format if you want to have them on a CSV file.