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I have created an object link to NCR and CAPA to the customer and supplier. I can also connect both objects. When I want to open the supplier from NCR/Capa, i.e. display the object. Then I get the following error message:

No homepage defined for Supplier Info

With the customer it works without problems 


Can you provide a screen shot of the Object Connections screen to show the specific Supplier and Customer objects the NCR and CAPA are associated with.

Many thanks.

For supplier i cant select the same method then for customer


I found the right Method name for NCR it’s “Get_Name”.

But it doesnt work for CAPA. I just can type in the supplier number. But there is noch Drop Down Menü. And if I just user the supplier ID, an error message comes out



Thanks for the update.

I have tested the functionality in a reference database and these settings should work.


This is IFS Cloud 22R1

I am logged on as IFSAPP and the functionality seems to work OK.







Thank you! But for my customer it doesnt work. But it is Cloud 21.2.4, maybe there is the mistake 

One more thing to try ,,, have you also set up the Object Connections for SupplierInfoGeneral?

