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Under the column Calendar days, the help states “This column shows the number of working days per planning period.”  The system is using this number to plan New Operations Plan/Calendar=Operations Plan Daily Rate. So I we have a new plan for 60,000 and the calendar days is 20, 60,000/20=3,000. But this is accurate since this month may have holidays or shutdowns. How can we ensure that the Operations Daily Rate is accurate?

New Operations Plan-This column is used to enter the proposed operations plan.

Operations Plan Daily Rate-The daily rate of the operations plan.

Calendar Days-This column shows the number of working days per planning period.



When you calculate actual S&OP Data from the header portion of this screen, system will check and recalculate the number of working days that you have in each month ahead. It is based on the Calendar  ID that is entered in the header portion of the screen.

And as you mention this the number of working days per month are used to calculate the column Operations Plan Daily Rate.

I hope I answered your question.



Thank you for the helpful feedback, we did this and it worked!