Does this help? Do you have different combinations of Buyers against User/Supplier/Part?
You can have the following buyer connections:
- It is mandatory to specify a buyer for the suppliers in the supplier record. Do this in the General sub-tab of the Purchase tab, the Supplier window.
- A buyer can also be connected to the purchase part in the purchase part record. Do this in the General tab in the Purchase Part window.
- A user default buyer can also be entered in the Sites per User window.
The following presents the relationship between the connections:
- If a buyer is only defined for a supplier, it is set as default for the purchase requisitions and purchase orders for that supplier.
- If a buyer is also defined for a purchase part, it is set as default for the purchase requisitions with that purchase part, while the buyer for the supplier remains the default for the purchase orders.
- When converting a purchase requisition to a purchase order, the default buyer from the purchase requisition is carried over. However, you can use the buyer from the supplier by selecting the Use Default Buyer Code from Supplier check box.
- If a buyer is also defined for a user (regardless of buyers defined in purchase part and/or supplier), it is automatically set as default both from the purchase requisition and the purchase order, i.e., the buyer on the user overwrites any buyer on the Supplier and purchase part.
A given buyer can always be manually changed.
Other field of applications include entering request for qu
Hi Linda @PRODQ ,
Thank you for your help and detailed answer.
The strange thing is that the set-up for the different suppliers and parts connected to the Purchase Requisition Lines is the same for all suppliers and parts. On every supplier the default Buyer ID is *. And on all purchase parts the supplier is left blank.
On the user who created the Purchase Requisition Lines, the default Buyer ID is BZO0028. So based on your explanation and my understanding of how it works, every line should have the default Buyer ID connected to the user filled in on every Purchase Requisition Line: BZO0028. But if you check the image that I connected to my first message, this is not the case…
I also asked my colleagues if they manually adjust the Buyer ID, but this is not the case.
So I am thinking that this is a bug? Or maybe I am still missing something?
I’m not sure as we don’t use CustOrdTrans. Is it tied in with the Co-ordinator/Salesman/User on the Customer Order the demand has been created from?
CustOrdTrans originates from the Supply Code on the line in the Customer Order. When the Supply Code is Purch Order Trans, IFS automatically creates Purchase Requisition Lines when releasing the Customer Order. But this does not affect the coordinator/salesman/user, or in other words, it has no connection with any of those.
In this given scenario where the PR is generated from the CO using Purch Order Trans supply code, the logic in deriving the buyer id is a bit different than creating a PR directly and then converting it to a PO.
The system first checks if there is a buyer for the given purchase part. Since it is blank in this case, it then checks for the buyer id in the supplier window under purchase > general sub tab. Since this is a mandatory field, the system will fetch the buyer id from here and will not look any further since it will always have a value. The default values given in sites per user affects when creating a PR directly and then converting it to a PO.
As such, regarding the few lines having the buyer id as BZO0028, i suspect that the buyer id value may have been changed manually since the system lets you update it after creating the PR.
Hope this helps.
Hi @PRODQ and @Arunalu
I finally had time to reproduce the scenario and you were right: when creating a Purchase Requisition from a Customer Order or Project, IFS will first fetch the Buyer ID from the Purchase Part and when that field is blank, it will fetch the Buyer ID from the Supplier. IFS will not look at the default Buyer ID of the User (that is only for the Coordinator field when creating a Purchase Order from the Requisition).
Thank you for your help!