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I know Planning Method A involves Lot for Lot, meaning there is zero “extra” inventory ordered for parts that have planning method A.  Does this also mean it ignores safety stock or is safety stock considered zero.  For example, if I have a safety stock of 5 will it always suggest orders such that I have a balance of 5?

Where can the safety stock calculation be seen for the steps taken to auto update?


Hi @jvosborn,

Yes, it do consider the safety stock and you need to specify the safety stock level at inventory part. 


Mithun K V

If you have a brand new part with safety stock set and you have no inventory it will be considered in the suggested purchase. 

e.g Part A - Safety stock 10 and new demand of 10 MRP will suggest 20 are ordered. 


In subsequent requests IFS will always maintain the safety stock and consider inventory to be at ‘zero’ when there is 10 on hand. It will ignore the 10 on hand for future supply. 

e.g if you have consumed 8 of the 20 in stock leaving 12 with new demand of 10, there is physically enough in stock to service the demand but MRP would suggest 8 are purchased to ensure you don’t go into the safety stock.


In the event you do it will suggest a quantity for the demand plus what is required to maintain/replenish the safety stock level.


I hope that makes sense. 



If you have safety stock entered on a part, you may have to check the ‘Plan Safety Stock…’ checkbox when running MRP / PMRP.

