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Hello Community,


I found something strange, after I updated the delivery term description from FCA Les Ulis to  FCA Wissous in I login into IFS using English the description shows the new one “FCA Wissous” See fig 1.

However, when I log in into IFS using France. The description still showing the one. Fig 2.




fig 2-



Any idea? or advice in how o fix this?





What is the language code in the customer order check in the Misc Order Info tab  as below.


If it is in English change it to French and see if you see the translation as expected. For translations of the data it seems the system uses language code defined in the Customer Order.

Best Regards,

@Janandi Vishaka 

The Delivery Terms ID is Basic Data. This is not a field which will be affected by the Language code of the CO.


I noticed the issue this summer with my colleague at Zetec France, because they are using IFS application with French (France) language.


As you can see in my screenshot above, I updated the Delivery Terms ID “FC5”, back in May, because the ID was still shown the previous office location. (Les Ulis instead of Wissous). 

Since I am personally using IFS application in English, I didn’t see the issue at that moment. The problem is when user use French language. 


If you zoom to the delivery items window and select the given record RMB and select translation. Is it correctly translated for french language? I added some scree shots below .  Can you please check and let me know if it’s correct there.


Best Regards,