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How to Identify Where a Ticket is Assigned to at the Point of Breaching SLA

  • August 16, 2023
  • 1 reply


Hello All, 

Has anybody before been able to using SQL identify where a ticket is assigned (SVD) to at the point when the ticket has breached?

If so would you be kind enough to share this with me

Best answer by paulc

@ChrisButters Here is example code for all events for SQL Server/Azure SQL:

    (CASE WHEN inc_data.u_date1 IS NOT NULL THEN inc_data.earliest_sla_resolve_due ELSE incident.inc_resolve_due END) breach_date, --Due/breach date. This takes into account stopped clocks
    (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.date_actioned FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = incident.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id IN (4, 5) AND act_reg.date_actioned <= (CASE WHEN inc_data.u_date1 IS NOT NULL THEN inc_data.earliest_sla_resolve_due ELSE incident.inc_resolve_due END) ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) last_resolve_or_close_date, --before or on the breach date
    (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.date_actioned FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = incident.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 6 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= (CASE WHEN inc_data.u_date1 IS NOT NULL THEN inc_data.earliest_sla_resolve_due ELSE incident.inc_resolve_due END) ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) last_reopen_date --before or on the breach date
    INNER JOIN inc_data ON incident.incident_id = inc_data.incident_id
) --All events (modify as required)
    (CASE WHEN inc.breach_date is not null --Has a breach date
        inc.breach_date <= getDate() --Before now else it hasn't breached yet
        AND (
            (last_reopen_date IS NULL AND last_resolve_or_close_date IS NULL) --Never closed or resolved or reopened by the breach date
            (last_resolve_or_close_date < last_reopen_date) --Reopened
        ) --Is open on breach date
        (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.ass_svd_id FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = inc.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 1 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= inc.breach_date ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) --Last assignment before or on the breach date
    ELSE NULL END) svd_id_at_breach


If you are using Oracle you need to modify all the subqueries with “TOP 1”s  with a nested subquery and use rownum = 1:

e.g.:  (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.ass_svd_id FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = inc.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 1 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= inc.breach_date ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC)


(SELECT * FROM (SELECT act_reg.ass_svd_id FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = inc.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 1 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= inc.breach_date ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) WHERE rownum = 1)


Also you will need to replace getDate() with SYSDATE


Paul Cooper

Software Engineer/Reports Designer

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Do Gooder (Employee)
  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 28 replies
  • Answer
  • August 22, 2023

@ChrisButters Here is example code for all events for SQL Server/Azure SQL:

    (CASE WHEN inc_data.u_date1 IS NOT NULL THEN inc_data.earliest_sla_resolve_due ELSE incident.inc_resolve_due END) breach_date, --Due/breach date. This takes into account stopped clocks
    (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.date_actioned FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = incident.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id IN (4, 5) AND act_reg.date_actioned <= (CASE WHEN inc_data.u_date1 IS NOT NULL THEN inc_data.earliest_sla_resolve_due ELSE incident.inc_resolve_due END) ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) last_resolve_or_close_date, --before or on the breach date
    (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.date_actioned FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = incident.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 6 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= (CASE WHEN inc_data.u_date1 IS NOT NULL THEN inc_data.earliest_sla_resolve_due ELSE incident.inc_resolve_due END) ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) last_reopen_date --before or on the breach date
    INNER JOIN inc_data ON incident.incident_id = inc_data.incident_id
) --All events (modify as required)
    (CASE WHEN inc.breach_date is not null --Has a breach date
        inc.breach_date <= getDate() --Before now else it hasn't breached yet
        AND (
            (last_reopen_date IS NULL AND last_resolve_or_close_date IS NULL) --Never closed or resolved or reopened by the breach date
            (last_resolve_or_close_date < last_reopen_date) --Reopened
        ) --Is open on breach date
        (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.ass_svd_id FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = inc.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 1 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= inc.breach_date ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) --Last assignment before or on the breach date
    ELSE NULL END) svd_id_at_breach


If you are using Oracle you need to modify all the subqueries with “TOP 1”s  with a nested subquery and use rownum = 1:

e.g.:  (SELECT TOP 1 act_reg.ass_svd_id FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = inc.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 1 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= inc.breach_date ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC)


(SELECT * FROM (SELECT act_reg.ass_svd_id FROM act_reg WHERE act_reg.incident_id = inc.incident_id AND act_reg.act_type_id = 1 AND act_reg.date_actioned <= inc.breach_date ORDER BY act_reg.date_actioned DESC) WHERE rownum = 1)


Also you will need to replace getDate() with SYSDATE


Paul Cooper

Software Engineer/Reports Designer


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