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Mandatory Field for done Action in AssystWeb

  • 3 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone,

We are considering internally to have a free text field as documentation on the ticket in AssystWeb, which must be filled in before the ticket is completed.

Is it possible to create such a mandatory field that does not interfere with the workflow or actions on the ticket except for the Done action?


Kind Regards!

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

 Hi @Jeremias ,


I’m not aware of a way to make a field mandatory prior to a ticket being completed.

However, on the Service Department form under Privileges and Settings > Resolution Actions, you can make the Description mandatory on both the Close and Close to Pending actions.  This description would then show up in the Action History of the ticket after the action has been logged.

If you also want this information to show up in a field on the ticket, you could create an Action Processor rule that's triggered when the ticket is closed.  This rule would call an ETM channel that populates the specified field on the form with the Description text from the Close or Close to Pending action.
