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Is there a way to pull Event Info into an auto generated email when you submit a ticket in assystNET and assystWEB?

Currently, our “Thank you” email provides the ticket number etc. and then the Event Description (EVENT_DESC).  The issue with that is that it shows ALL questions in the form even if they were hidden and/or not filled out. 

The data we want to show in the email are ONLY the questions that were answered (what shows in assystNET once submitted)

We just want to hide any unanswered questions in the notification email.


Currently, it shows like this:


No description entered. See Additional Information.


** CSDN issue
CSDN Client Specific Issue (Disability Benefits)

** Are you, the requestor part of COD?

** CSDN ID (9-12 digits required)

** Client Name

** Created on (i.e. YYYY-MM-DD @ HH:MM)

** Create by

** Type (name of document)

** Does the SHRST Evidence Bundle contain documents which belong to another client?

** Which pages of the SHRST Evidence Bundle are impacted?


We only want to show what actually was filled out



If there is no functionality that already does this, my suggestion is a bit more complex. It would be to create a query in the database returning all the fields of the form other than empty and use this information in the body of the email or even copy this return to the event description field.

A while ago I created an automation to update the event's rich_remarks.

1 - create an additional variable for remarks in the action config
["AV_EVENT_DESC"] = "event.remarks", -- new event Desc
2- Create the automation to update the remarks field

3 - Call the automation in the action rule
[[ Updates the description field with the information from the custom fields of the informed offers]],
[["C:\Axios\Software\SmartMail\send_email.exe" -v -config "C:\Axios\Automations\assystLua_Atualiza_Desc_Cust_Field\Atualiza_Desc_Cust_Field_Config.lua" ACT_REG_ID=$ACT_REG_ID EVENT_ID=$EVENT_ID AV_SERVICE_OFF_SC=$AV_SERVICE_OFF_SC ]], "continue" }, in smartmail


exemplo sql:

STRSQL1 = (([

        jwcpc.entity_id AS INC_ID
            when jwcp.jptsys_web_cust_prop_sc=' ' then jwcp.jptsys_web_cust_prop_n else fd.field_definition_n end TITULO_FIELD
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='s' THEN jwcpc.string_value
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='n' THEN jwcpc.string_value
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='i' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwcpc.integer_val)
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='r' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwcpc.decimal_val)
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='b' THEN jwcpc.string_value
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='d' THEN TO_NCLOB(TO_CHAR(jwcpc.date_val, 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='o' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwld.jptsys_web_lkup_data_n)
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='m' THEN jwcpc.string_value
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='c' THEN jwcp.formatted_desc
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='l' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwcpc.LOOKUP_VAL_ID)
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='l' AND jwcp.lookup_table_id = 143 THEN TO_NCLOB(i2.item_n) 
            WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='l' AND jwcp.lookup_table_id = 49 THEN TO_NCLOB(u2.usr_n)
                ELSE jwcpc.string_value 
            END AS VALOR
            jptsys_web_cust_prop_cont jwcpc --ON jwcpc.entity_id = i.incident_id
            LEFT JOIN jptsys_web_cust_prop      jwcp  ON jwcp.jptsys_web_cust_prop_id = jwcpc.jptsys_web_cust_prop_id -- algums campos forma migrados para field_definition
            LEFT JOIN field_definition          FD    ON FD.field_definition_id=jwcp.jptsys_web_cust_prop_id
            LEFT JOIN item                      i2    ON i2.item_id = jwcpc.LOOKUP_VAL_ID
            LEFT JOIN usr                       u2    ON u2.USR_ID = jwcpc.LOOKUP_VAL_ID
            LEFT JOIN jptsys_web_lkup_data      jwld  ON jwcpc.single_sel_val_id = jwld.jptsys_web_lkup_data_id
            jwcpc.entity_id <> 0 AND ancestor_ent_type = 'c' 
      and ( CASE     WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='s' THEN jwcpc.string_value WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='n' THEN jwcpc.string_value WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='i' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwcpc.integer_val) WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='r' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwcpc.decimal_val) WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='b' THEN jwcpc.string_value     WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='d' THEN TO_NCLOB(TO_CHAR(jwcpc.date_val, 'DD/MM/YYYY')) WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='o' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwld.jptsys_web_lkup_data_n) WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='m' THEN jwcpc.string_value     WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='c' THEN jwcp.formatted_desc WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='l' THEN TO_NCLOB(jwcpc.LOOKUP_VAL_ID)WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='l' AND jwcp.lookup_table_id = 143 THEN TO_NCLOB(i2.item_n)    WHEN jwcpc.web_cust_prop_type='l' AND jwcp.lookup_table_id = 49 THEN TO_NCLOB(u2.usr_n) ELSE jwcpc.string_value END) is not null
        and jwcpc.entity_id =]] .. EVENT_ID .. (j --ID do evento

then just concatenate everything into a single variable and run it in rich_remacks
