We manage our Problems using a specific template process. This process start with a decision to validate whether or not the problem exists. If the problem exists, then a new task of the “Investigate issue” category is created. After its resolution then a new decision task is created to define if the problem will be accepted as is or if an RFC should be logged to remmediate the issue.
I’d like to know if it’s possible to use task expressions to define the assigned service department for following decisions ans tasks based on the service department who lastly resolved the issue investigation task. As far as I’m concerned, EventDTO has only methods related to lastAction and lastActioningServDept. However, I need details about the resolution of the first task of a specific category.
I wonder if there’s a way to use only task expressions or if I should use something like Action Processor to update problem’s additional fields and them reference those custom fields in the following Serv. Dept expressions.