Hi All.
I’m getting this message as I press the + plus buttom to create a new line in planning tab inside the work task of a work order.
This happen with the owner user.
Does anyone know something about it?
Tks a lot
Error while serializing contents.
This error happens when the server cannot serialize the data to be sent to the client.
A common cause is that one attribute's length exceeds the defined maxlength in the projection.
To find more info, open Log Window or Debug Console, refresh and then check Network Tab in DevTools. In the response there can be more detailed information about the exception.
Url: https://pettst.avcweb.com.br:64080/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/WorkTaskHandling.svc/Reference_ActiveWorkOrder?$filter=WoNo%20eq%2085008&$skip=0&$top=2
Request Id = 73f0e6bb-7261-44e4-adfe-2430f49601e6
Date = 2022-10-04T13:28:31.496Z
Client version =