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Why would a fixed asset (object) not be included in a depreciation proposal?

  • 21 April 2020
  • 1 reply

Why would an asset not appear in a depreciation proposal? It is an active status object with a book and depreciation method specified, acquisition and valid from dates have passed and depreciation is not marked on hold? 

Hi Kate,

There may be a couple of things to check,

1: Are there other assets, with the same depreciation method, that are appearing in the proposal?

2: Does this asset have a salvage value? And has the NBV already reached the salvage value?.. therefore no more depreciation to recognise.

3: Are there any other active proposals where this asset may already have been included and is now waiting for approval / posting?

4: Potentially… Was the asset created through the import method and have the transactions been transferred? In other words, are you comfortable that your Asset Register can be reconciled to the relevant GL balances?

That’s all I can think of for now :-)

