
Register Arrivals Error "The JT Task Planning does not Exist"

  • 11 October 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Arrival cannot be registered for all of the parts on a purchase order. The purchase order was created from a Maintenance Work Order. There are five parts from the requisition. Arrival can be registered for four of the parts without a problem. Registering an arrival for the fifth part results in this error, “The JT Task Planning Does Not Exist”. Does anyone have any idea what this could mean? 

2 replies

Badge +1

I would like to know that aswell!

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

Hi @PMGannon , @EmerentiaC ,

You will get this error if you have deleted the relevant planning line for this purchased part. It is functionally not correct to delete a planning line once a Purchase Requisition is created. This is corrected in 23R2 and you will be not allowed to delete the planning line after this correction. 
Possible solution at the moment would be to cancel the current purchase order line, create a new purchase requisition related to the fifth part, and create a new PO. 

Hope this will solve your issue !

Thanks ,

