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After creating a repair order with repair action "Replace part until repair is done", I received a workshop order with two tasks.



Moving on to the first of them, I want to release material for replacement. As a result of this operation, I get the message:





What could be the reason for this?



Hi @LsyPawelZ 

It is very strange error message. I think it would be a defect. Could you please let us know which IFS cloud version you are using?



I'm using version 22.2.4.  I have tested it on version 23.2.4 too.

On version 23.2.6 is the same problem.


I also tested on 24R1 as well. Same issue there too. I think we need to have a look on this one. @Thommy FYI!

Hi Pawel,

This seems to be a defect. Could you please report it with the test steps that you followed.

Thanks & best Regards

