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Predictive Maintenanace - Apps 10


Hi Community,


Is there any functionality or work around that any one of you have come across in generating Work Order via PM Actions based on predictions.

Ex: PM Action for Object LV-100 is defined to run on condition based generation. every 5000km the maintenance need to be done. Customer does the meter reading entry on a daily basis, thus they are very keen to see whether there is any possibility of triggering work orders based on predicted meter reading so they can plan the work up front.

Customer is using Apps 10 Upd 11.


Thanks in Advance!



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Mithila Rathnayake
Hero (Employee)

I am not sure whether IFS application entirely cater for the exact concept of predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance goes along with a human factor which hardly can record into a system. Saying so there are certain common qualities that we can identify within predictive maintenance & preventive maintenance. If we can identify such qualities, can use them to plan within the IFS application as it has designed in a way to support preventive maintenance aspects.

Regarding the given example, it is depending upon how you are going to predict the upcoming readings. If the prediction criteria are not varying from time to time, the constant upfront time can be considered as a lead time. The lead time functionality is available in IFS Oil & Gas Extension but not in standard application.

[Lead Time : If a PM is with 90 days’ lead time, it will be generated 90 days before the Planned generation date of the PM. (Planned date found in the Maintenance Plan TAB).  Lead Time is applicable for both PM Actions with calendar interval and condition]

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • April 29, 2021

This actually seem to be an example where the condition-based predictions can be used. 

When accumulated condition-based PM action is set to Performed Value Based = Yes, user has the option of choosing which method to use to get the Value at Maintenance, in order to generate the condition-based maintenance forecast. This can be done using the Condition Forecast Configuration in the PM action/General tab. The DEFAULT value will be set as Last Measurement at Maintenance, but should in your case be changed to Predicted Value at Maintenance.

The prediction is done either by deriving next maintenance date using interpolation or, as most probably in your case, by using an average usage per day under the assumption of linear usage. In this case the formula used is 

Next planned value = (Actual Last Work Task Completion Date - Previous Measured Date) * Running Average + Previous Measured Value + PM Interval

The details on this can be found in the IFS online documentation on page About PM Plan found under 7.25 PM Planning sub process. In there you’ll find the section Condition-based Maintenance Plan and in (b) The Predicted Value at Maintenance the formulas about the how the prediction is done.


Thanks @MRoslund your answer looks quite promising, I will investigate on this lead. Thanks for the response.

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