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Maintance Plan Due Date calculation


We upgrade to Apps 10 recently. In Apps 8 our PM Action Maintenance plan properly calculated based on the actual finish date of the work order.


See 6/30/2022 below.



We are experiencing different behavior in App10 with the Maintenance Plan incrementing the Due Date based on some other value (not actual finish of the work order). Please see highlighted are below.



Can any help explain how to fix this behavior? Or understand why this is happening. We have bad due dates in the system now.

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Kushan Jayasinghe
Hero (Employee)

Hi @mdeanton ,


Please check the below community post whether you could get an idea about Maintance Plan Due Date calculation.



  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • March 4, 2022

Thank you for responding. However, that post covers the logic of Due(%), not Due Date.


I still don’t understand why the logic for Due Date is not calculating correctly based on the Actual Finish of the last work order. Which is what it seemed to do Apps8.


All of the dates highlighted in my second screenshot should be 6/30/2022. 

Kushan Jayasinghe
Hero (Employee)

Hi @mdeanton ,


The 'Planned Start' and 'Planned Finish' date fields expressed the maintenance window for when the work was to be done. Depending on the settings on the PM Action this period could vary but for example a PM to be performed weekly this period was a week up to next occurrence.

In App10 there has been new date fields introduced to express the maintenance window for when the work is to be done and they are named as 'Earliest Start' and 'Latest Finish'. For the 'Planned Start' and 'Planned Finish' date fields they now express the time period for the allocation of the work to be done.

Depending on the settings on the PM Action this period could vary but for example a PM to be performed weekly the 'Earliest Start' and 'Latest Finish' will express the period of a working week up to next occurrence also taking the work time schedule in consideration (calendar connected to the maintenance organization).

If the work is planned to take 4h (Duration) the 'Planned Start' and 'Planned Finish' will just express a period of 4h within the period of the 'Earliest Start' and 'Latest Finish'. This means to find the due date for when the work need to be done in App10, you should look into the 'Latest Finish' date not the 'Planned Finish' date.

As a perfect functional solution, I suggest you to change the Due date configuration as follow .
Use latest_finish instead of plan_f_date.

select latest_finish from ifsapp.active_separate_overview where wo_no = :wo_no

I hope this will help you :) 



  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • March 4, 2022

Thank you. However as far as I can tell the Earliest Start, Earliest Finish, Planned Start, Planned Finish have no relation to the Maintenance Plan generation.


The generation uses the Due Date (PLANNED_DATE). If the limit (see screenshot below) is 2026 for example, we can’t generate work orders because the plan lines have been consumed by work that was already completed…


Our issue still lies with the generation of the plan.



Kushan Jayasinghe
Hero (Employee)

Hi @mdeanton,

As far as I can see to investigate the issue further, you should raise a support ticket.



Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • March 7, 2022

Hi Marc,

What is the calendar trigger used in this? is it connected to a condition too? I find it bit odd seeing multiple plan lines with same due dates like this so curious what is the scenario creating them.

Hope this PM is set to performed date based Yes throughout. I have seen due date acting strange when some uses Perform date based No in some revisions and Yes in latter. Not sure this will help or not, as Kushan said this will need investigation.

Best Regards,


  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • March 8, 2022

Hi @mdeanton

A change introduced to APP10 was that the work task concept was introduced so that the work task became the driving part and the work order only a holder for work tasks.

At same time, it was changed so that the maintenance plan now is updated when the actual maintenance work (linked to the work tasks) actually has been completed. I.e. no longer when the work order (that only is a holder for the work tasks) has been reported and completed. 

When running a PM with Performed Date Based = Yes or Performed Value Based = Yes, the maintenance plan will be adjusted based on the date on which the last work task connected to the PM was set to status Work Done.

There are four columns in the maintenance plan related to this:

  • Last Work Task Completed
  • Last Work Task Completion Date
  • Last Work Task Step Completed
  • Last Work Task Step Completion Date

Please also see an extract from the user documentation below.




Best Regards


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