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How to filter functionnal object list of value when I create a fault report

Sidekick (Partner)

Hi All!

In the object structure, each equipement belong to site. Some of them are dedicated to a service contract and others are dedicated to maintenance WO. Is it possible to create two different structures belonging to one site where I could separate functionnal objects for contract services to those dedicated to maintenance. So when I create a WO, I only see the LOV of my equipments but not those which are dedicated to service contract.


Thanks to all your best advices

  • Superhero (Partner)
  • March 17, 2023

@Andryis ,


One work around solution I can think of is you can create 2 new functional object ( one for contract service & other for maintenance) and use them as a category object. Then you connect new objects as a process for the respective functional objects. Then in the Equipment Object Navigator you can change the tree structure based on the process where you get all the functional object connected to the respective process, so you can create the fault reports from here.






Mithun K V

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • March 20, 2023

Hi @EqeMithuV 

Could you please be more detailed in your explanations. I’m not really a specialist on object equipment. I just understand the structure and how to create object on each straucture.

Create 2 new functional object ( one for contract service & other for maintenance) OK and use them as a category object HOW?. Then you connect new objects as a process (How to? Should I create a process level?) for the respective functional objects. I’would like to create faul report through the engineer portal. Then in the Equipment Object Navigator you can change the tree structure based on the process where you get all the functional object connected to the respective process, so you can create the fault reports from here.

Thank you

  • Superhero (Partner)
  • March 21, 2023

Hi @Andryis ,

Please follow the below steps 

  1. Go to Category object screen and create 2 new object ( category object are similar to functional objects)
  2. Connect these category object to functional objects by adding them in the process object id field in  structure tab of  functional objects 
  3. Now go to Equipment structure screen and search for the category object you have created
  4. Structure in tree choose the option process, then you can see all functional object connected to that category objects. You can select the object & create fault report
  5. Engineer portal : go to Equipment screen and search with the process field by entering the category equipment id, then you see only the object connected to respective category, then you can select the object & create fault report.
  6.  Note: If process filed is not available then please add the attribute ProcessMchCode  using page designer .


Mithun K V


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