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We have found an issue when we create a Customer Order that originates from a Business Opportunity.

When we change the quantity, it will add another line of discount and doubling it.


Business Opportunity created for 2 units and converted into a Customer Order:


Changed quantity to 3 units and get this pop up (the first 25% discount comes in automatic from the Customer Agreement?):


Now line level shows 50% discount instead of the 25% mentioned in the agreement:


When I right mouse on the line and go to Order Line Discount, I can see 2 lines now - 1 for agreement and 1 for manual?


Doesn’t matter if we add and deduct the quantity, an additional line will be added? Is this a bug or a setup issue in the Customer Agreement?





Hi @KaneDK ,

When you convert the customer order or sales quotation from the business opportunity the discount source will be transferred as manual even though it is fetched to business opportunity from customer agreement or pricelist. This might be due to the reason that business opportunity doesn't capture the source of discount. Hence system is recalculating & adding the discount again when quantity is changed for the customer order line.

To avoid this thing to happen you can check the Freeze discounts along with price freeze check box at site and check price freeze check box in business opportunity ( this will be inherited to CO lines)

Also, you can suggest this as an improved for IFS in the upcoming releases.

Hope this helps!!


Mithun K V

Hi @KaneDK ,

When you convert the customer order or sales quotation from the business opportunity the discount source will be transferred as manual even though it is fetched to business opportunity from customer agreement or pricelist. This might be due to the reason that business opportunity doesn't capture the source of discount. Hence system is recalculating & adding the discount again when quantity is changed for the customer order line.

To avoid this thing to happen you can check the Freeze discounts along with price freeze check box at site and check price freeze check box in business opportunity ( this will be inherited to CO lines)

Also, you can suggest this as an improved for IFS in the upcoming releases.

Hope this helps!!


Mithun K V



worked like a charm, thanks for the quick support :-)


Best regards,

