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I’m ne user of IFS and getting familiar with Warehouse Management functions.

So, question is, what’s the benefit of using Counting-Create count report, while one can extract data from “Inventory Part In Stock” and start with physical cycle count process.

or maybe I don't properly understand the functionality of “Counting” function. Please provide broad information. 

Thanks in advance.

Hi @ElshanN ,

Create count report is not limited to generating a report for counting. It is just a starting point of much broader functionality of counting in the system.

Even ‘Create Count Report’ itself has benefits over extracting data from ‘Inventory Parts in Stock’. In ‘Create Count Report’, you have the flexibility to choose what parts to be included in the report based on several filtrations. Further, you can choose to freeze the parts during the counting process, when you use ‘Create Count Report’ functionality.

Detailed explanation on the ‘Create Count Report’ functionality is available from this link:

The whole process of counting in IFS Cloud can be reviewed using Handle Counting process diagram: (go to the document link of any step to get a better understanding of it)


Dear @KethakaG ,


Thanks a lot for your answer. 

Any financial impact of using Counting report?

or any finance team involvement required after cycle count? 


Thanks in advance.

Hi @ElshanN ,

As far as I am aware, there is no direct financial impact from using Count Report. Primarily, counting is a warehouse function.

However, when handling any deviations with the actual on hand quantity and system on hand quantity, inventory transactions will be generated (COUNT-IN transactions to reflect positive counting differences & COUNT-OUT transactions to reflect negative counting differences). 

Those transactions have to be eventually transferred to IFS Financials (or any other integrated or external financial system), and Vouchers will be created. In that sense, financial impact will be their from count reports.

