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Hello, I have implemented a REST call and in general it works or fails as expected. However, when it fails (e.g. POST request) it triggers the "failed callback function”:   Plsql_Rest_Sender_API.Call_Rest_EndPoint2(rest_service_        => rest_service_,                                             xml_                 => json_,                                             url_params_          => url_,                                             callback_func_       => callback_func_,                                             http_method_         => http_method_.action,                                             --http_req_headers_    => ,                                             --query_parameters_    => ,                                             --header_params_       => ,                                             incld_resp_info_     => true,                                             --fnd_user_            => Fnd_Session_API.Get_Fnd_User,     


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