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IFS FIFO picking setup

  • 28 June 2022
  • 6 replies


I have been looking for help on the FIFO picking in IFS (for Customer Orders and Shop Orders). I am looking to confirm that when IFS generates a picklist, that it is directly the associate to the oldest stocking record so that we are using our oldest material and shipping our oldest product. Is there a way to verify this is properly configured in IFS Apps 10? Any guidance would be appreciated. 

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +28

IFS defintely doesn’t work on FIFO for reservations as the normal setup, actually it is more LIFO when no other criteria is defined.  If there are no further attributes to the material, once it is in a stock location, there is no discerning the older material.  If you’ve defined the reservation priority on the site, then it will follow the order defined there according to the help and this post.


Userlevel 6
Badge +17

@ShawnBerk Thank you for the clarification. We were initially told that the system automatically did FIFO. Interesting to hear that is not the case. So, if you have a component part in two inventory locations, when the picklist is created, it would pick the last item that went into stock?

Userlevel 7
Badge +28

We are in V9 at the moment and it doesn’t have the controls that V10 has and it is generally our experience that the last location to have a transaction is most often the first to be reserved, even if it isn’t he default, the oldest, or the desired.  We use availability controls pretty prolifically to force the reservation from a given location, but we don’t have aged goods either so don’t need to be strict about last or first really.

Userlevel 6
Badge +17

Thank you very much! 

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

IFS defintely doesn’t work on FIFO for reservations as the normal setup, actually it is more LIFO when no other criteria is defined.  If there are no further attributes to the material, once it is in a stock location, there is no discerning the older material.  If you’ve defined the reservation priority on the site, then it will follow the order defined there according to the help and this post.


Hi @ShawnBerk,

Are u sure about that?

I was know the standart reservation mechanism works for FIFO on IFS V10. Actually i thought it is only depending to “Receipt Date” data in “Inventory Part In Stock” when no configuration at site level.

This info suprised to me, let me see your validation to this new huge information.

And one more question to you. Did u any development to change the reservation mechanism to LIFO with depend of “Inventory Validation Methods” ?

Best regards.

Badge +1

I know this question is bit old. But I too am interested in finding out if the reservation and picking process can be setup to work with LIFO or any other method besides FIFO.
