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IFS Cloud - Event Action URL

  • 26 October 2022
  • 4 replies

in IFS Cloud 22R1, We have an Event Action for sending a Stream Message to a supervisor, we would like to link the URL of the Expense ID to the Streams Message.

This URL works in Apps9, and allows the stream message to go to the Expense_id page, this does not work in IFS Cloud. 


 I’ve tried using the link from the address bar, but it doesn’t link



4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @dwils,


This type of URL is only applicable for the IEE client in IFSAPP10 and older versions. For the Aurena client, the URL format is different.

Please have a look at following documentation regarding how to formulate an Aurena navigation URL in IFS Cloud:

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

@Charith Epitawatta - the Lobby Navigation Guide does not cover the use case of passing Event Action parameters in a filter clause for an IFS Cloud URL.  How does one take one of the Event Parameters (&NEW:STD_PARAM or &CUSTOM_PARAM) and use it to drill into the appropriate record?  I tried both the $[PARAM] and $PARAM$ notation, both with and without the & prefix, and neither work.  Since this is not documented in the Tech Docs for Event Actions, can you please provide an example?

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

@Charith Epitawatta - can you or someone on your team address how to properly incorporate Event Action parameters into IFS Cloud URL’s?  I have another need to do this, and I can’t find the right syntax.

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

With some assistance of my internal colleagues, we were able to figure out this issue for ourselves.  It turns out you can substitute the Event Action parameter name as-is, including the &NEW: or &OLD: prefix.  I did not think this would work as the “&” character is a separator for arguments in an OData URL.

For example, I had an event that triggered on the creation of a new Work Order, and I wanted to drill into Prepare Work Order from a streams notification directly to the new WO.  The URL to do that would be page/PrepareWorkOrder/Form?$filter=WoNo eq &NEW:WO_NO.  Here, &NEW:WO_NO is numeric, but if your parameter is text, you can use single quotes like ‘&NEW:CUSTOMER_NO’ within the URL.

Hope that helps!
