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in IFS Cloud 22R1, We have an Event Action for sending a Stream Message to a supervisor, we would like to link the URL of the Expense ID to the Streams Message.

This URL works in Apps9, and allows the stream message to go to the Expense_id page, this does not work in IFS Cloud. 


 I’ve tried using the link from the address bar, but it doesn’t link



Hi @dwils,


This type of URL is only applicable for the IEE client in IFSAPP10 and older versions. For the Aurena client, the URL format is different.

Please have a look at following documentation regarding how to formulate an Aurena navigation URL in IFS Cloud:

Hope this helps!

@Charith Epitawatta - the Lobby Navigation Guide does not cover the use case of passing Event Action parameters in a filter clause for an IFS Cloud URL.  How does one take one of the Event Parameters (&NEW:STD_PARAM or &CUSTOM_PARAM) and use it to drill into the appropriate record?  I tried both the $ePARAM] and $PARAM$ notation, both with and without the & prefix, and neither work.  Since this is not documented in the Tech Docs for Event Actions, can you please provide an example?

@Charith Epitawatta - can you or someone on your team address how to properly incorporate Event Action parameters into IFS Cloud URL’s?  I have another need to do this, and I can’t find the right syntax.

With some assistance of my internal colleagues, we were able to figure out this issue for ourselves.  It turns out you can substitute the Event Action parameter name as-is, including the &NEW: or &OLD: prefix.  I did not think this would work as the “&” character is a separator for arguments in an OData URL.

For example, I had an event that triggered on the creation of a new Work Order, and I wanted to drill into Prepare Work Order from a streams notification directly to the new WO.  The URL to do that would be page/PrepareWorkOrder/Form?$filter=WoNo eq &NEW:WO_NO.  Here, &NEW:WO_NO is numeric, but if your parameter is text, you can use single quotes like ‘&NEW:CUSTOMER_NO’ within the URL.

Hope that helps!

Hi there, I am trying to achieve the same goal but with approvals.  

I currently have a streams messages that notifies users when they have a new approval assigned to them and I want this notification to link to the specific approval record on the approvals page.

I pass the parameter into the URL and it navigates to the page and even fills the search fields correctly, but I still have to manually click the ‘Search’ button to bring up the records.  Did you encounter this same issue?:


This is the URL in the event action for the streams message


The streams message is triggered as intended


After clicking the link, the following page loads:

You can see that the search has been populated by the &RECEIVER parameter, but no records are showing until I click the ‘Search’ button.

After clicking the search, button:

Some fields are redacted, however these are the approvals that are waiting on my user or a group that I belong to.



@zraspa - in your URL, try changing the filter clause from ;?filter= to $?filter= - whenever I’ve had to build OData URL’s in IFS Cloud, I’ve had to use the latter syntax even though your browser will change it to the former once you drill into it.  Everything else in your URL looks OK to me.  If that doesn’t work, then maybe start by simplifying the URL using Cf_User_Id eq ‘&RECEIVER’ or trying a different expression that doesn’t use a custom field, just to see if that is somehow causing an issue.
