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File Storage document repository with remote installation of IFS Cloud 21R2

  • 13 September 2022
  • 8 replies

Dear all,
we are running IFS Cloud 21R2 as remote installation. Our IFS DB is growing and big portion of the volume are document attachments, therefore we would like to move them to a file storage service. We see “File Storage” option in document management repository, but we would like to confirm

  1. what “File Storage” services this option is supported with on remote installation, is it Azure File Storage or Azure Blob Storage or both?
  2. are there any prerequisites to make “File Storage” option working with Remote Installation?  
  3. can you pls. extend IFS documentation with more detailed information regarding the usage of “File Storage” and what storage services are exactly supported with remote installation of IFS Cloud?
  4. can you pls. extend IFS technical documentation with a configuration guide for the file storage repository? 
  5. is there any plan to support other file storage services with next releases of IFS Cloud?  

Thanks Jan

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi Jan,

1. Azure Blob Storage is the only current "backend" in FS.

2. Not that I know of.

3. We can for sure add information there on what works on Remote and what does not work.

For the benefit of others, here is the current documentation:

4. There is not much to configure when it comes to FS I think. Can you elaborate on what you expect there?

5. In 23R1 we plan to add a "local" option in FS such that you don't need to store things in the database. Of course, and as you know, in Remote deployment you still have access to Shared an FTP repositories in Docman. Is that the information you wanted?

Any questions?

CC @Daniel Svantesson @chanaka-shanil 


Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi Mathias,

thank you for your reply and pls. find my comments/answers below.

  1. ok
  2. there might be a need to activate a k8 pod on middle tier server, pls. see my document in the attachment, pls. confirm
  3. thanks for the link you shared, but there is high level description only and the most important is not there, a screenshot showing the repository definition, the screenshots are just showing the repository assignment
  4. let me answer with attached document, where I tried to demonstrate our testing case
    • is there any specific setup needed on Azure storage in azure
    • should the repository address contain container name?
    • how to use storage keys to authenticate the APP?
    • is k8s pod on middle tier server to make this working? ref. ifscloud-values config file 
  5. ok
Userlevel 7
Badge +31

If I were to guess, we might not be willing to share whatever information is needed for you to get your own, Remote deployed IFS Cloud File Storage working. You are on your own, is my guess.

I will make sure to get a more official reply on that from Daniel and/or Chanaka though. I'll keep you posted! 


Userlevel 6
Badge +15

IFS Cloud File Storage is only intended to be used in the Cloud Residency. It is not meant to be used for Remote installations and is therefore not supported.



Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi @chanaka-shanil ,
thanks for answer, however it’s quite surprising info after all the answers in previous posts
BR Jan


Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @chanaka-shanil ,
thanks for answer, however it’s quite surprising info after all the answers in previous posts
BR Jan

Can you give an example? Perhaps there is something we need to clarify.



Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hi @chanaka-shanil 

will this be working with further releases of IFS Cloud? 22R2 or 23?

Hi @Mathias Dahl ,

I was just little bit surprised since I got positive answer at the beginning to my questions what is supported with remote installation (ref. 1 and 2)

Thanks Jan

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Thanks! Seems I was not clear in my replies then. I did not mean to suggest you could pull off what you are trying to do in any way. Also, the answer for your question to Chanaka is probably in my reply to bullet 5.

