
ship direct process

  • 3 January 2024
  • 14 replies

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Parts Delivered to Customer

When the supplier has informed you that the parts are delivered to your customer and you have entered the direct delivery in your system, the purchase order is automatically closed. The status on the purchase order is changed from Released or Confirmed to Closed. The customer order receives the status Delivered, and the customer can be invoiced. This assumes that no partial deliveries remain on either order. If the supplier has partially delivered an order and for any reason is not able to fully deliver the order, it is possible to manually close the purchase order.


We are trying to use the above process, but when the parts are received the PO is closed, but the customer order is NOT being updated, thus we are unable to invoice the customer.  Is there a setting or configuration needed to make this work?


Supply Chain personnel get a Warning message when they register the Direct Delivery.  Message says that the customer order has been cancelled or unpegged from the purchase order line.  A check of the customer order line shows it is Released and only has an option to Unpeg.  

14 replies

Userlevel 5
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hi @dkjensen ,

  There is no such a setting. The flow should work as you clearly explained. According to the your attached message, CO update process after delivery got struck due to pegged CO line cancelled or unpegged. Can you check the Order Line history records? 



Userlevel 4
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Hi Piyal, 

The only thing showing on the order line is the release and requisition creation.

Userlevel 5
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Hi, @dkjensen,

   I just checked IFS Cloud 23R2. It works as expected.

May I know which version you are working with.



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IFS Aurena framework version:

IFS Aurena client version:

IFS OData provider version:

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Is there a difference in the process if the customer is Inter-Company?

Userlevel 5
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you are using IFS APP10 Aurena client. So, I checked in that environment with internal customer’s CO and working as expected.

So, if you have a test environmnt, please try to recreate the issue. if possible publish the test steps.


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All of this is being done in our test environment.


Customer order created with lines containing parts with Supply Code of Purch Order Dir,

  • order type is INT which has a stops on Release Order, Print Order Confirmation, Reserve Order, Print Pick List, Report Picking, Deliver Order events
  • shipment type is NE which has Stops on Reserve, Print Pick List, Report Picking, Complete and Close Shipment events, there are no stops on the Customer order events

Requisition is automatically created for the part.

Purchase order is created from the Requisition.

Parts are received using the Register Direct Delivery screen

Purchase order lines are automatically closed


Userlevel 5
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Ok. I checked any clue from the code as well. Are you using “Direct Delivery from Internal Order Transit” option? With the usage of  that command I can see there are possibility to pop up this error message.

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Would the Stops on the order type be preventing the completion?  

Userlevel 5
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No. Order type won’t matter here because we are just updating information about already delivered items. My view is that in your flow you might have included settings related to inter-company/ Inter-site(maybe 2 or more connected supplies)/mixups with the internal supplier. Please have a close look at your functional flow setup.

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Where would I find the “functional flow setup” to review?  

Userlevel 5
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First, please test using a basic functional flow setup related to this direct delivery functionality.


  • Create an external customer order line with supply code - Purch Ord Dir. make sure your customer is external

  • Release the CO and Create the Purchase order subsequently. Make sure you use an external supplier for this. Release the PO.

  • Register direct delivery and your CO must be in the delivered state.

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Thank you for the steps.  I was able to complete the process successfully in our test environment.

Is the Requisition conversion to PO a required step?  We currently are creating the Purchase order manually and not updating the Requisition at all.

Userlevel 5
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Yes. CO initiated PR then PR converted to PO. So, this is a connected flow.
