
How to cancel wrongly closed, unpegged Direct Delivery PO?

  • 3 March 2023
  • 6 replies

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  1. Direct Delivery orders CO + PO were done
  2. Customer Order lines were unpegged from the PO
  3. After that related Direct Delivery Purchase Order was closed with “register direct delivery” (and the supplier invoice was matched and paid)
  4. Now the Customer Order is hanging in status released (unpegged from the original closed PO). 

How to cancel the wrongly closed direct delivery PO? RMA from CO is not available since the order was unpegged. Nor can we do an RMA manually from scratch as the CO is not delivered.


6 replies

Userlevel 5
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Did you get an resolution on this?


In our case it was unpegged accidently - but we can not invoice the CO!

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I never got an answer to this one here, but we found some roundabout to close the case.

I don’t remember how we exactly solved it, but at least we cancelled the customer order and then somehow manually fixed the invoicing with a new customer order.

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We just had this happen as well where the order was unpegged accidentally.  The PO was received through Register Direct Delivery, but now I can’t figure out how to invoice the customer.   Anyway to unreceive the PO, or can you help me understand what you did as a work around?

Userlevel 5
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   I am just thinking a work around for this. Not sure it helps you.

  • CO in released status - so I guess no issue from the CO
  • PO - errounously closed as direct delivered. invoiced and paid. Then, we can create supplier credit invoice to recover the incorrectly paid amount.
  • Stock movement not happened. no worries then.

Please share your views, then we can think about a good workaround.



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How are you suggesting to create a “supplier credit invoice”?  I tried to register an inspection and create a return, but I am not able to do that with a “direct delivery”.

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I just went ahead and created a “work around” as suggested above.  I cancelled the customer order lines that did not transact.  I created a new customer order and new purchase order and processed the receipt and shipment as if it was the original.  I then processed an invoice for the supplier to pull in the receipt and I created a manual supplier credit invoice to offset the doubled up invoice and credited the account that was overcharged during these transactions.
