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Person who is responsible that nonconformity occurred.

  • 11 June 2024
  • 2 replies


could someone give and advice or maybe know from the experience, what field of NCR (or some other quality management form) can be used for identifying the person, who is responsible that nonconformity occurred.

The client wants to collect information about the persons who are responsible that non-conformities appeared. For example, every operator is responsible for the quality of operation executed by him/her. If the nonconformity was found and that nonconformity appeared due to low quality of the operation that he/she is responsible for,  client want to identify that person in NCR or some other form.

I thought maybe to use Responsible for NCR, but I think it is not such purpose of this field.

Are there any other solutions where such information can be filled? Or maybe only to create custom field for that purpose.

Thank you beforehand:)

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +12


The intention of the ‘Responsible Person’ field is to capture the person or department who will own the NCR and can be used as part of the process flow.

We do have the ‘Raised By’ field which is intended to be the person who first observed the NCR if they are different to the person who then enters the NCR into the system (who will be logged as the ‘Created By’ user).

So, could ‘Raised By’ be used by your customer for the purpose that you describe?

If not, I would suggest a custom field to hold the value instead.

I hope that this helps!

Badge +4

Thank you very much for the quick replay!!!

The field “Raised By” customer is going to use to identify the person, who found out the nonconformity, and usually it is not the same person who caused the nonconformity. Usually the nonconformity is detected by the person, who is executing the further operation which goes after the operation where nonconformity occurred. 

Thank you one more time for the answer and suggestions. We will discuss about the custom field for the client.
