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Document Class to Document Folder

  • 18 July 2020
  • 2 replies


How can i connect a document class to document folder on IFS. Is there any way for that? Because I did not found any way on IFS v10.8.

I want to do this; When i created a new document with selected document class it will be automatically connected a predefined folder.

I can do this manually with document folder parts but it is so useless i think. Is there any better way?

Thank you all.

Kind Regards.


Hi @0guz ,

You could create a custom logical unit to hold the doc class/folder combinations. We do that for LU/doc classes. Discussion her

Or make a custom field on lu DocFolder for the doc class.

Hello @hansend Thanks for informations. That was improvement my mind about this case.

So i wonder, when i connect to document folder as manually it is working this procedure,


I did not wrote any online/sql before. The problem is when a document inserted to system it will be automatically worked that procedure for predefined matches (doc class and doc folders).

Can u write for that code for me? I am trying too but probably it will be wrong ;)


Thank you so much for help.
