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Can you program Lobby Parameters have dropdown selections?  Our Managers would like the ability to select the Sales team instead of typing the name.


You can make a parameter picker like this (blue box)




  • Yellow: Shortcut to a Lobby Page
  • Red: Unique Key for this Lobby
  • Green: parameter list (there may be more than one parameter)


Thank you Paul, very nicely demonstrated and thanks for your effort on this, everybody can now benefit from it

Can you program Lobby Parameters have dropdown selections?  Our Managers would like the ability to select the Sales team instead of typing the name.


Unfortunately it is not possible to assign dropdown selections on lobby parameters yet, would be great if you could use a custom enumeration to define it for instance, but will have to wait and see how it will evolve.  You can however try to minimise the input characters and the format of the data (Upper/Low case) required from the end user.  Let me explain using your example:

To eliminate case sensitive characters convert the parameter input to upper case and compare on database field that also need to be converted to upper case.

To allow parameter to be completed parsley add ‘%’ || to the front of the parameter if you would like to allow in-between comparison and || ‘%’ at the end to allow everything after the comparison.

The example I extracted on Customer_Order but can be modified to your requirements:




Hope that helps for the interim,

Regards Jacques


Sorry, it’s a bit hard to paste a long document into a topic.

But if you do that then it is easy to update the parameter value by clicking on an option in an “LOV”

fyi, I was able to design a solution.

I created an IAL hard-coding the values I wanted, and then used the above solution to plug it into my Lobby. Thx for the effort on this one!

select 'Division A' as DIVISION
from DUAL
select 'Division B' as DIVISION
from DUAL
select 'Division C' as DIVISION
from DUAL


@paul harland Could you please let me know if your elegant solution (parameter picker) included access to the corresponding Work Order in IFS by clicking in the Work Order Element? If you have a minute please check out my question “LOBBY AND OPENING THE LAST RELEASED VERSION OF A DOCUMENT” in the IFS community (link below).


In applied your solution to document folders but I cannot figure out how to open the documents from the lobby element.

Many thanks


Thanks Paul,  This solution will work well for the Lobby where I needed the drop down.

oh hi Bill! i didn’t realize it was you.

Great solution!

Is it possible to build the Selections from a hard-coded list instead of an IFS table?

For instance we have a lobby with the customer District_Code as a selection. We’ve set up customers  with groups of DistrictCodes for a company division, i.e., District Codes of 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, and 656 all belong to Division A.


So the users want the selection to be:

Division >  Division A

                   Division B

                   Division C


...which in turn filter by their list of corresponding District Codes.
