
Where clause in a migration task for the Excel Add-in

  • 30 June 2022
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hello to all,
Is it possible to configure a where clause in a migration task for Excel Add-in on IFS Cloud?
The goal is not to retrieve all records by clicking on the "Load Data" button on Excel.

Thanks in advance!


Best answer by mmol 13 July 2022, 09:05

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4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hi @TheoB,


When creating the Excel migration job you have a rule named FETCHCONDITION. This is where you can join other tables but also add where clause conditions to fetch less data.



This is what the documentation says about this:

    Keep this to Active if the job should have Query functionality from the Excel add-in (Query enabled jobs). If the job contains multiple logical units, this field should contain the join clause between the logical units.

If you want to add additional filtering you can add it here as well. (e.g. SUPPLIER_INFO.COUNTRY_DB = ‘LK’)

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,


Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @mmol,

Thank you for your answer, it's exactly what I needed!

However, I tried to fill in a condition: 

But Excel does not take into account the WHERE clause, it shows me all the customers.

Did I forget something? Something to refresh or to validate?

Thanks in advance!

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hi @TheoB,

Yesterday I was trying the same thing and found out that it seems not to be working in the IFS Cloud. A colleague of me pointed out the following community post about this:


It seems like a bug that it is missing as the documentation states it's one of the migration rules that should work. Howerver it was reported as a bug but not solved so far I know as I tested it yesterday in 22R1.


Kind regards,


Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Hi @mmol ,

we are on 21R2SU12 and it works for me, pls. see screenshots below, you just need to push button “Re-generate Excel Migration” after you update your migration job with the fetch rule condition.

BR Jan



