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IFS cloud - Scan new contact screen - Image upload error

  • 26 September 2022
  • 6 replies


When I try to load an image in scan new contact screen of IFS Cloud, getting below error.


Error logs:

16:16:10 ERROR - ERRINV - (Server Application Error): ExecutionException from Sender thread

Caused by: ifs.fnd.connect.senders.ConnectSender$TemporaryFailureException: Exception while sending data

Caused by: ifs-automation-gateway


Database error occurred. Contact administrator.



16:16:10 ERROR - Command error: (ERRINV) - ExecutionException from Sender thread

Caused by: ifs.fnd.connect.senders.ConnectSender$TemporaryFailureException: Exception while sending data

Caused by: ifs-automation-gateway, details: ":{\"code\":20105,\"message\":\"ORA-20105: PlsqlapServer.ERRINV: ExecutionException from Sender thread \\nCaused by: ifs.fnd.connect.senders.ConnectSender$TemporaryFailureException: Exception while sending data \\nCaused by: ifs-automation-gateway\\r\"}]" undefined

16:16:10 DEBUG - CMD(1): Error: ExecutionException from Sender thread

Caused by: ifs.fnd.connect.senders.ConnectSender$TemporaryFailureException: Exception while sending data

Caused by: ifs-automation-gateway

16:16:10 DEBUG - CMD(1): Done nextCommand.

6 replies

Badge +1

Dear vsraman85 I have the same issue...:( Do you may be have any news on this topic? Thank you very much!

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

I have seen the same issue in 22R1 and 22R2 versions. Could this be a bug or a missing setup perhaps?


Badge +1

yes, it looks like it is missing set up. Our developer told me. For this funktion it needs Machine Learning Module, which we dont have yet :( Do you have machine learning modul set up in your envirement?


Userlevel 4
Badge +9

I see. Thats good to know. Let me check on this and get back.

Userlevel 2
Badge +5


How you set up the machine learning modul in your environment?

Badge +4

Hi All, 

I have the same issue;

Do you have any update on the matter ?

Is the MachineLearning Module really required for this functionnality ? 


Best regards,
