
IFS Cloud - DBINSTALLER - Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

  • 9 November 2023
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11


I am getting following error while deloying a delivery. 

INFO: Running database installer, logs location: C:\ifsuat\ifsroot\logs\ifscloudinstaller
[Wed Nov 0 UTC 2023] - SEVERE: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
[Wed Nov 0 UTC 2023] - SEVERE: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
[Wed Nov 0 UTC 2023] - INFO: Running data import, logs location: C:\ifsuat\ifsroot\logs\ifscloudinstaller
[Wed Nov 0 UTC 2023] - SEVERE: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
[Wed Nov 0 UTC 2023] - SEVERE: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Server has sufficent memory. Can any one suggest please



6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

@hhanse ,

Thanks for your reply. I could not find any hs_err_pid*.log file

Java Path is correct and there are not log files. i had checked this before

echo %JAVA_HOME%

Can you please suggest more



Userlevel 5
Badge +10


to be precise - it's the path to java that need to be correct not the JAVA_HOME.
"cmd> where java"
I guess it’s ok as well...

Try running the db-deploy.cmd in the ifsinstaller/installers folder.
Is the file (cmd or jar) "blocked"    

If that work, then a java process (installer) don't have permission to start another java application (db-deploy.cmd)
This might be some sort of windows privilegie or file permissions?

Have you tried to run as Administartor? Test to set (properties) the java.exe as “start as Administrator”

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hello @hhanse ,

Used CMD ths time and identified issue was Java Path only. thanks for sharing. seems it was picking wrong Java Version.

Appriciate your help



Userlevel 5
Badge +11

@hhanse ,

I am doing it via PS - Administrative mode.  cmd and jar are not blocked.

JAVA home is also correctly mapped.

an other sugestions..



Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Have you tried from a CMD - where there are no configurable privilege's that can be affecting. 
I personally never use PS… unless a ps1 script requires it.

Just because main.ps1 need to run in a PS doesn’t mean the installer.cmd need to. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +10


Are you using the java in the C:\ifsuat\ifsroot\bin\jdk\bin ?
check the path from where you start the installer

you can add more detailed logging (will perhaps not show more on this issue though), by adding --set logLevel=FINEST on the command line when starting installer.

There might be a crash dump from java in the ifsinstaller folder or ifsinstaller/installers or in the C:\ifsuat\ifsroot\bin\jdk\bin

or search for hs_err_pid*.log files in the entire C:\ifsuat\ifsroot structure
