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Hi All,

we are currently having an issue with creating new attachments and getting this error.

I saw this post Failed to upload file to Ftp server User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible.]

and already restarted the FTP server, but the issue is still there.

This is in IFSAPP 08.

Really appreciate your valuable opinions and suggestions to sort out this problem.


Thank you in advance!

Hi @Mathias Dahl,

I saw your comments on the post with similar issue.
And we restarted FTP server and IIS.

But the issue is still there.
Is there anything we can do to solve this, please?


we can see below errors in the print manager 


I cannot say what the problem is with the connectivity to the FTP server, sorry. Is the FTP server running, can it be accessed from the application server, is the user name and password correct, etc. Look at firewall setup, network configuration, VPN settings.

If you cannot sort this out you should contact our support.

Good luck!


Hi @Mathias Dahl, really appreciate your suggestion.

The FTP server is running and we can ping this server from the middleware server.

we will check your other suggested options and let you know.

Thank you.

Hi @Mathias Dahl, really appreciate your suggestion.

The FTP server is running and we can ping this server from the middleware server.

we will check your other suggested options and let you know.

Thank you.

Pinging says something but it does not say if the MWS machine can communicate over FTP to the FTP server. You can try using the command line and the ftp command from the same machine to do a more specific test. Use the username and password that you configured in IFS when you test.

Hi @Mathias Dahl, really appreciate your assistance.

Could you kindly elaborate this, please?
Sorry, I haven’t done this before.

“You can try using the command line and the ftp command from the same machine to do a more specific test. Use the username and password that you configured in IFS when you test.”

Hi @Mathias Dahl, Thank you for your assistance.

The customer confirmed that the issue is now sorted, one of their other servers has been corrupted and IT team has missed to check that server.

I really appreciate if you can explain how to perform the previous mentioned specific test using the username/password in IFS application EDM basics.

Thank you 😊


I cannot spend much time on describing in details how to use the ftp command in Windows or Linux, but here is a screen shot of the basics (I did this on Windows, which says something, but the best thing is to do this test from the command line of the Linux machine/VM that is running the Kubernetes cluster):

Just being able to connect to the FTP server, as well as being able to login using the username and password is a good step. The next step is to try to upload a file using the put command, also listing the uploaded file at the end:

If all of the above works from the command line/terminal on the Linux server, then you have a good chance it will work also from Docman. Still there can be settings in the OData container that stops the FTP traffic on an even lower level. This is hard to test and I will not cover it in this thread (I think there is an older post here on how to connect to the OData container itself to do even more “low level” tests).


Hi @Mathias Dahl, Thank you so much for your kindness and also for sharing all those information.
