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Event Action Incorrect Email Formatting


App9 IEE


Steps followed:

1. Go to ‘Events’ window
2. Find Event Action -> "NEXT_AUTH_PUR_REQ_LINE"
3. This Events Action will be executed and Send an Email to External Email Address from IFS Application.
4. The format of the email should be in Correct format which should be readable.
5. Although the actual format of the email is totally unreadable.




This is the event action "NEXT_AUTH_PUR_REQ_LINE".


This should be the correct format of the email.


This is the actual email format received by the user which is unreadable.


  • We have already used <br/> tag to line separation. But the issue is the with “&MESSAGE_TEXT” part in the event action.


This is the “&MESSAGE_TEXT” part which is scrambled in the email.


Please help to resolve this issue.


14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @Dumintha Wijesekara,

Please check the Mail Sender used in this environment and check the MIME type. Try setting it to text/plain and see if the message text gets formatted correctly. You can find Mail Sender settings in “Setup IFS Connect” window under “Connect Senders”.

Also be aware that the HTML line break tags <br> won’t be relevant after you change the MIME type to text/plain so you would have to remove them and use normal line breaks. 

If you look at the Next_Auth_Pur_Req_Line in PurchOrderEventCreation.plsql package, you would see that it is using chr(10) and chr(13) for line feed and carriage return when constructing the message text, so text/plain would be appropriate as the mail sender relies on the user to set the correct formatting for the message. 

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Hi @Charith Epitawatta ,


Thanks for the information provided.


The Customer initially had the CONTENT_TYPE as ‘text/plain’ and after the issue, they have changed the CONTENT_TYPE to ‘text/html’ and used <br/> tag to line separation.

Still the issue exist with both these option already used.



Please share your thoughts regarding this behavior.

Best Regards,

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @Dumintha Wijesekara,

In the Event Action, is the correct Mail Sender specified? In your screenshot I cannot see it clearly. In IFSAPP9 TECH CMB environment, I can set the Mail Sender as below:

Also see whether you can recreate the issue in other environments as well as our internal reference environments to narrow down whether the issue is environment specific. If the behavior is the same in all environments, then this would most likely be caused by a limitation in design. 

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Hi @Charith Epitawatta ,


Thanks for the information provided.

I have informed the customer about the 'Mail Sender' Option not available in their system, although it is available in the Core Application.

The Customer confirmed that the 'Mail Sender' Option was not visible in the their system in 2021 and before.

Is this option introduced via a bug correction or an UPD Update?

Please share your thoughts regarding this.

Best Regards,

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @Dumintha Wijesekara,

It is possible that it was not initially available but was later introduced as a new feature via a UPD. To confirm, what you can do is go through the “As Released” environments on EW for each UPD and find out from which UPD onwards it is available. 

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Hi @Charith Epitawatta ,

Thanks for the information provided.

I have verified with “As Released” environments on Environment Web and I was able to identify only the below “As Released” environments.

APP9 As Released - 'Mail Sender' Option is Not Available
APP9 UPD 5 As Released- 'Mail Sender' Option is Not Available
APP9 UPD 13 As Released - 'Mail Sender' Option is Available

I have identified that In APP9 UPD 5 As Released the 'Mail Sender' Option is not available but in APP9 UPD 13 As Released the 'Mail Sender' option is available.

I was not able to identify any other “As Released” environments on Environment Web for verification other than the mentioned versions.

Please share your thoughts regarding this issue.

Best Regards,

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @Dumintha Wijesekara,

Well, that pretty much proves that Mail Sender option was introduced somewhere between UPD6-UPD13. If the customer updates to the latest UPD, they will get this option with it. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I had the same problem. Now it is solved.

Thank you.

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Hi @Link ,

Thanks for the information provided.

Could you please mention the resolution method you used to resolve this issue.

Best Regards,

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi @Dumintha Wijesekara 

I did exactly the same settings suggested by @Charith Epitawatta.

Nothing else.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Mail sender added to Event Action window through the bug fix 134162  (UPD6 bug)



Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Hi @Charith Epitawatta , 

We have applied the bug Id: 134162 (UPD6 bug) which introduces the 'Mail Sender' Option in 'Events Action' window.

Still the scrambled text in the mail issue exists for the customer.

Please share your thoughts regarding this.

Best Regards,

Userlevel 3
Badge +9


Identified that the after applying the Bug ID: 134162 we have to make some changes in the 'Setup IFS Connect'.

We have to change the Content Type as "text/plain".

After making the changes, when we perform the test steps again, the Mail is received correctly from the organized format.

Furthermore, we were able to identify that in the Core Application(TECH LKP), in "Setup IFS Connect" when we change the Content Type as "text/html", the mails are received in the scrambled format.

However, when we change it to "text/plain" the mails are received correctly from the organized format.


Best Regards,

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

HI @Dumintha Wijesekara 



can you tell me if we can modify the "message text" because my customer would like to modify it because for him it lacks data and is not very readable. 

Thank you for your help
